MI-EUDP Workshop – stock-taking on how demand response is progressing in the EU, with particular focus on Local Energy Communities

MI-EUDP Workshop – stock-taking on how demand response is progressing in the EU, with particular focus on Local Energy Communities

22 Apr 2021, 10:00-15:30

In line with the Danish Research Program EUDP, this virtual workshop will explore the different demand response activities taking place in Europe

The Danish Technical University together with the Danish Intelligent Energy Alliance is hosting a virtual workshop that evaluates the progress of the demand response activities in the EU. This is a workshop, which is aligned with the Mission Innovation program activity on demand response, and is supported by the Danish research program EUDP (Energy Development and Demonstration Program).

The event will pay particular attention to the Citizen Energy Communities, or the local energy communities (CEC/LEC). Here they will also talk about the Mission Innovation program, which aims to support and share experience on the demand response across the countries engaged in the Mission Innovation challenge on smart grid and demand response.

Iban Lizzarralde (ESTIA) will talk more about SocialRes and its mission to promote social participation within the renewable energy sector via the demand response business model.


Register here.