Lunch at SocialRES #4 – Knowledge’s hub for energy democracy

Lunch at SocialRES #4 – Knowledge’s hub for energy democracy

03 Nov 2021, 12:30-13:30

We will discuss the importance of sharing technical knowledge with energy experts and social innovators to improve citizens engagement

Why is sharing technical knowledge so important to energy experts and social innovators? How can a knowledge hub be useful for our daily work? How the European Energy Social Innovation Platform will support citizen engagement towards the energy transition? These are some of the questions tackled by Elisabeth Schmid, expert in communication and engagement strategies from Fondazione ICONS and by Silvia Caneva from WIP Renewable Energies during the fourth webinar of the “Lunch at SocialRES” series.

In addition to that, a focus on the already established The European Technology and Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics will be done by WIP Renewable Energies.

Register here.