Putting people at the heart of energy transitions – Save the date

Putting people at the heart of energy transitions – Save the date

28-29 Apr 2022

SocialRES will be joining forces with its sister projects – namely: SONNET, COMETS, and NEWCOMERS – to host a joint conference.

This two-day online event will dig into social innovation and collective action as key drivers of just and sustainable energy transitions. It will draw on and present nearly three years of work and research that the four sister projects have spearheaded.

The event will also include a high-level policy dialogue with European leaders, which will be structured around a jointly-developed set of recommendations for EU policymakers on how to better harness and support social innovation for energy transitions.

You can already preview the agenda by clicking here. But be sure to check back often – we’ll be making speaker announcements soon!

Register now at: https://bit.ly/SIE_event.