
Paving the way towards Energy Democracy

Today we can make the difference, we can be the spark that starts one of the most fundamental social, economic and technical changes in modern history. Come with us and be part of the clean energy transition: together we can make energy.


SocialRES aims at closing non-technological research gaps that impede the widespread uptake of social innovation business and service models in the European energy sector. Through our research, we will set the basis for a better understanding of the socio-economic, socio-cultural, socio-political and gender factors that influence the behaviour of consumers in the energy system. What’s more, we will foster the development of new cooperation patterns among the key enabling actors for energy democracy: cooperatives, energy aggregators and crowdfunding platforms.

SocialRES key Scientific Objectives (SOs):

  • SO1. Comparative analysis of success potential
  • SO2. Comprehensive assessment of cooperation potential
  • SO3. Decision-making support and citizens empowerment


SocialRES will provide a better understanding of socioeconomic, gender, sociocultural, and socio-political factors and their interrelations with technological, regulatory, and investment-related aspects.

To complement our research, we will provide policy makers with recommendations to create a more favourable legal and regulatory framework for social innovation. This will encourage the uptake of social innovation and the empowerment of consumers as responsible actors in the clean energy transition.

By unleashing the potential of social innovation, SocialRES will further the goals of the Energy Union ensuring a more secure, sustainable, competitive and affordable energy system for European citizens.


Meet the people behind SocialRES

The SocialRES project is coordinated by WIP Renewable Energies.

The consortium involves 13 partners in 9 European Countries.

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Together we are stronger

SocialRES collaborates with other H2020 projects to make the future of European citizens brighter. Get to know our fellow projects!

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